CSS Basics
CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) is a computer language used to add styles (fonts, spacing, colors, etc.) to structured documents (such as HTML documents or XML applications). The CSS file extension is .css
HTML Basics
HTML is HyperText Markup Language (English: HyperText Markup Language, referred to As: HTML) is a standard markup language used to create web pages.
Quest & Pico 😎

5 / 08 , 2024 6:40

5 / 05 , 2024 9:30
Razer releases replacement strap system for Meta Quest 3
According to reliable sources, Meta will cooperate with some brands to propose Quest accessories and headset products based on the Quest algorithm. Razer has turned its attention to virtual and/or augmented reality (VR/AR) for its latest accessories.
Lei Jun releases 12 stunning Xiaomi SU7 wallpapers
The exciting news is that Xiaomi CEO Lei Jun released 12 exquisite wallpapers of the latest Xiaomi SU7 on the X platform, bringing a visual feast to fans. These wallpapers not only showcase the sleek and modern design of the Xiaomi Mi Auto SU7, but also provide users with a unique opportunity to bring the elegance of the car to their digital screens.
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